Saturday, December 11, 2004

You know you've got a lot of work when...

When you can't sleep at nights. Yeah, I've been having that problem of late. Considering that I have to complete my Physics, Electrical, Electronic, Plumbing, Carpentry and Welding records, coupled with enough Engineering Drawing homework to occupy a normal student for a week (It would take me months... It's not difficult, I'm just lazy), one can understand how much my already disturbed mind would be disturbed. If you've ever attempted to squeeze so much work in one weekend, that is.

We had a model Chemistry practical examination on Tuesday. My status as a "regular" student changed to juvenile delinquent when my record was opened by the professor. Despite my efforts, I was forced to write a letter to the Head of the Department of Applied Chemistry, informing him of my "misdemeanour". I wonder what'll happen next. I've made up my mind to at least get my Physics record corrected before the model exam this Tuesday. That gives me a day to get it corrected. Oh boy o boy o boy.

What do you say when a guy whom you barely know comes straight at you and says "Hey! I need some MP3 English songs. When can I expect them?" ??!! I don't know from which unreliable source he heard that I provided MP3s to hostel inmates. He didn't even bother to introduce himself. This happened near the hostel canteen, after which the guy kept following me till my room, waiting for a positive answer from me. I had to act as if I had to go to the restroom to get away from him. What a pest.

The height of irony - You collect cash as a protest against child labour the same day you are forced to operate heavy machinery in unhygienic conditions. That's what I did on Friday. We have what's called as "Basic Engineering Practice", more commonly known as "Workshop". We get to do carpentry, plumbing and the like. Plumbing isn't too bad if you have strong arms; all you have to do is screw, screw and screw. But you can't screw around. It's a bit dirty; you get a lot of oil on your hands. Carpentry is a tad tiring, especially if you can't chisel wooden blocks to perfect dimensions.

I might just fall on to the computer if I don't go to sleep now...

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