Another month missing in the archives. I guess I'm getting bored of writing about college. The fourth semester started last month, and I soon found myself in pretty much the same situation I was in the first semester - lots of record work and I haven't even started.
I still don't stay at the hostel during weekends, which are Sunday and Monday now. I can't bear to stay away from my home, my computer, the large part of my music collection which isn't on my mp3 player, real broadband, and a bug-free environment. Well, at least partially bug-free. But then things start to happen, things which can screw your weekend.
The Tuesday that's coming up is more or less a holiday, thanks to intra-college culturals. I was planning to stay at home, and thus enjoy a 3 day weekend. My plans jumped out the window when the associate editor (and one of my few good friends at the hostel) of the hostel's magazine told me that the second issue is due next week, so I'm supposed to stay at the hostel for the weekend and finish my duties as layout and cover page designer. After a lot of coaxing, I managed to convince him that I'd work better at home since I have the necessary software there. The weekend seemed safe.
The next day, the same friend tells me that there's a short film competition being held by Anna University. I was initially enthusiastic about it; we and a few others were throwing around several ideas, and before going to bed, we had a basic idea. Then came the problem of turning it into a film - no one had a video camera that wasn't in another state, other than me. We're supposed to submit the film on/before the first of March. They wanted to shoot the film on Monday and Tuesday. That meant I had to go home, get the camera, and get back long before my weekend gets over. So here I am, at home, making the most of my only day away from the hostel this week. And I still haven't started on the magazine.